epub |eng | | Author:Naomi Salman

II DAY ONE It’s been a strange day. For me, it started when I came to my senses on the steps of City Hall, waking up slowly from the cotton ...
( Category: Epistolary March 15,2023 )
epub |eng | 2021-08-17 | Author:Brenda Clough [Clough, Brenda W.]

Book 4 Walter Hartright’s narrative All his life Camlet was prey to the most severe seasickness. Even with the aid of the chemical remedies Marian learned from Count Fosco, he ...
( Category: Epistolary March 10,2023 )
epub |eng | | Author:Carol Shields [Carol Shields and Blanche Howard ]

P.S. George O’ Reilly and his wife invited me to dinner last night. (Not Indonesian cotton and not goose-down. Imitation black leather.)When I told them (humorously) about the house renovations, ...
( Category: Epistolary March 2,2023 )
epub |eng | 2015-02-15 | Author:Carter Scholz

5. An old, old man in a wheelchair. Tube in his nose. Oxygen bottle on a cart. He’d been somebody at the Lab once. Recruited Roger, among many others, plucked ...
( Category: Epistolary February 16,2023 )
epub |eng | | Author:Wayne Ng

Your friend, Johnny Wong October 23, 1970 Dear Mr Keon Did you ever lie to your mother Mr Keon? Did you lie a lot? My stomach feels funny and I ...
( Category: Epistolary January 31,2023 )
epub |eng | 2004-01-15 | Author:Beth Powning [Powning, Beth]

9. Muskrat Trail COLD-FLUSHED, GREGORY LOOKS GOOD. HIS CHEEKS are red, there are tiny bits of frost on his white-blond eyelashes. They’re cross-country skiing on the river. Prisms spin in ...
( Category: Epistolary January 31,2023 )
epub |eng | 2009-01-15 | Author:Carole Hayman

7th November My very dear Irene, Whilst tinkling the ivories, (must get this old piano tuned!) I’ve been casting around in my mind for an occasion it might be appropriate ...
( Category: Epistolary January 29,2023 )
epub |eng | | Author:David Shuch [Shuch, David]

Your loving uncle, James 15 The Charm Carver, p 78. AUGUST On Vitality My Dearest Madeline, I am so pleased to learn of your working in a plant nursery. Bringing ...
( Category: Epistolary January 17,2023 )
epub |eng | 2021-01-25 | Author:Brenda Clough [Clough, Brenda W.]

Walter Hartright's account There was some mystery about the settlement that we could not fathom. Our little porch made a good observation post from which we could survey every hut. ...
( Category: Epistolary January 16,2023 )
epub |eng | | Author:W. Bruce Cameron

Dear Diary: As much as I loathe Kelsey, I love beautiful, wonderful Phoebe. Her odor lingers in my nostrils, as sweet and unforgettable as a dead squirrel flattened to hot ...
( Category: Epistolary January 4,2023 )
epub |eng | | Author:Deborah Carr [Carr, Deborah]

The following morning, Pru woke to Jean giving her forearm a gentle shake. ‘Happy Christmas, Pru,’ she said. Pru rubbed her bleary eyes and pushed herself up against the metal ...
( Category: Epistolary January 4,2023 )
epub |eng | 2022-07-11 | Author:Bradeigh Godfrey

Chapter Twenty-Five MyPsychJournal.com Welcome back, Rosie. Happy journaling! february 13, 2018 My appointment with Dr. V is tomorrow and I want to write more about Michael before then. I’m having ...
( Category: Epistolary December 20,2022 )
epub |eng | 2012-12-15 | Author:Matt Dojny

2:24 AM Cursed. Cursed. Cursed. Curselifter. April 7 5:01 PM Dear Hap: This morning, when I went to the Faculty of Gemology, Mr. Yul looked me up and down and ...
( Category: Epistolary December 19,2022 )
epub |eng | 2014-05-31 | Author:Mark Harris

[from Abner Klang, New York, telegram] auntiemaria agencied benwinder minter 501 madison avenue. what’s up? abner [to Abner Klang, New York, special delivery] October 17 Dear Abner, Because you failed ...
( Category: Epistolary December 18,2022 )
epub |eng | 2020-12-15 | Author:Gerald Vizenor

» 24 « FINNEGANS WAKE Tuesday, 14 January 1941 The heavy overnight snow decorated the benches, iron gates, parapets, statues, and great columns of trees on the Quai des Tuileries. ...
( Category: Epistolary December 16,2022 )
